Click on the Thumbnails Below for More Information
Overall Map of the Cruise
Ship's GPS Course: Columbia River in blue, Snake River in Magenta
Day 2, Saturday, Visit Bonneville Dam
and Multnomah Falls
Day 3, Sunday, Cruise the Columbia
and Locks, Galley Tour, and Snake River Trail
Day 4, Monday, Jet-boat up the Snake
River Rapids
Day 5, Tuesday, Visit the Fort Walla
Walla Museum and the Whitman Mission
Day 6, Wednesday, Visit Recovered Petroglyphs,
a Replica of Stonehenge, and the Maryhill Art Museum
Day 6, Wednesday, Columbia Gorge Discovery
Center, Rowena Crest, and the Captain's Dinner
Day 7, Thursday, Lewis and Clark's
reconstructed Fort Clatsop, Columbia River Maritime Museum, and Astoria
These pictures were taken with a 'shirt-pocket' Canon PowerShot SD-1100
8MP with image stabilization
(Except those by the ship's photographer)
Other Cruise West Cruises we have Taken
Baja California and Rail Excursion to
the Copper Canyon, Jan. 2002:
Central America, Costa Rica and Panama
Canal Cruise, Apr. 2005:
You'll have to excuse me that there's a lot of GPS "stuff" in these
web pages. It's that my partner, Joe Mehaffey, and I have the largest
GPS information web site in the world, and we have to do "something" to
keep it going!