Sandy Springs New Overlook Park
(With Dr. Milton Krainin and our dog Cooper)
Dedicated 2010

Where it all began.  This March 2009 AJC article piqued our curiosity as to just what was going on up at Morgan Falls.

Morgan Falls Dam built in 1904

* Click on thumbnails below for larger views *


Some Views

Lake view behind the chimney showing part of the stabilizing structure

Aerial Photos Looking Westward -According to Google Earth
Pavilion support columns                   The park under construction in April 2010                         Chimney circled in red

Aerial Photos Looking North
1938*                                                    2002                                                  2010
In the 2002 photograph, the chimney is marked by a GPS waypoint., but is not actually visible in the overgrowth.

                        AJC newspaper article Aug. 2010                                                                Oct. 2010

Visit to the Park, Sept. 2010

The New Playground, Oct. 2010

Little Tikes get a Bounce

                                          Slides Galore                                                                      The Web of "Intrigue'

'Magic' Flags                                                        Puzzling Puzzles                                                   Spiral Stairway

This playground should keep the children entrained for hours!

Additional Reading (.pdf)
*Morgan Falls Archaeology Report
Historic Architectural Chimney Report

Photos and text by  - jack yeazel