MAP REGISTERING DATA "jg" = JPG FILE "w" = WORLD FILE "tf" = TIFF FILE "w" = WORLD FILE MSR Maps .txt 741500 742200 3753150 3752550 -UTM bounds MSR Maps .jgw 0.250000 meters per pixel "x axis" (left to right) 0.000000 no rotation about the x axis 0.000000 no rotation about the y axis -0.250000 meters per pixel "y axis" (top to bottom) 741500.00000 UTM Easting of upper left-hand corner 3753150.00000 UTM Northing of upper left-hand corner DRG 1:24,000 topo maps .tfw 2.43840000 meters per pixel "x axis" (left to right) 0.00000000 no rotation about the x axis 0.00000000 no rotation about the y axis -2.43840000 meters per pixel "y axis" (top to bottom) 730123.80668302 UTM Easting of upper left-hand corner 3765852.21391307 UTM Northing of upper left-hand corner NOTE: The y coordinates are negative, because UTM coordinates are measures from west to east and south to north, while computer raster images start from the upper left-hand corner and run down to the lower right-hand corner.