Dekalb Co. Parks & Recreation °
Draft Master Plan Oct. 27, 2008
Behind the water fountain are ruins of the old
Decatur Waterworks
In March 2009 this front wall was still
standing ° Other side of the wall °
1995 photo of front wall, by David R. Kaufman
These walls of the Administration Building were no
longer standing in Sept. 2011.
March 2009
Oct. 2009
Tank D
Other undated photos
Looking over tank (D) to tank (E)
° Location here not yet established ° Closeup
of corner of tank (D) -below
Restoration in Sept. 2011
The graffiti changes
over time.
Overall view of the restoration
with 'rectangular structure' to the left
March 2009 Sept. 2011
March 2009
Sept. 2011
Administration building rear wall north side in Sept. 2011
Same rear wall in 2008 by Aurelius787
Other graffiti photos Sept. 2011
Water tower (F) viewed from the bridge
and ramp.
The brush and trees around tank (D)
have mostly been removed.
Tank (E) north side has graffiti outside
AND inside. ° Steps to the north of the tank
Tank (E) south side °
East side
October 2009
Rectangilar structure
Tank (E)
Sept. 2011
The same structure with Elizabeth Taylor
The Madonnas gives their blessings
The large round tank (A) has been cleaned,
painted, and ready for more graffiti! ° But now it has
a fence around it